Tuesday 4 February 2014

Live action and the imagination.

My idea for this project is to create a character and extend their imagination of reality. This character is to be somewhat strange and not really fit in reality... The idea for this character is that they are to be very quirky looking and that their point of view of the world is very distorted..

The way I plan to do this is by filming a location and then animating over it by making it  look distorted, unreal and well... just surreal looking.
I plan to use Adobe flash, adobe After effects.

I know how to use green screening in adobe flash and think this skill would be a very useful asset to this project.

The video that inspired this idea is a video called "Meet the Pyro"

The second idea that I have in my mind for this project is to have a video of someone sleeping and then have their dreams projected on a white duvet that they are sleeping on the bed.. I would still have them moving around and showing they are dreaming.

My final idea ended up to be an animation of someone dreaming projected onto a duvet, this is a little bit different to my initial second idea, as I wanted a person to also perform in my animation. My animations is about a person dreaming of the typical things that people dream about, love, falling, random things they cannot explain and often times, dream of their alarm clock sounding. I thought that ending the video with the alarm clock noise and having the words " THE END " in a digital format would be a great play on the fact people wake up when their alarm sounds thus ending their dreams and that alarms are sudden and very loud and displeasing to the ears.

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